MVC3 Upgrade The type 'System.Web.Mvc.AcceptVerbsAttribute' exists in both

If after following the manual upgrade instructions you receive an error such as "The type 'System.Web.Mvc.AcceptVerbsAttribute' exists in both " you should try the following:



  1. Right click on the web site and view the properties -> and in the references section make sure you do not have duplicate references...if you do, delete one of them
  2. Check you bin directory, if you have System.Web.Mvc.dll in the bin, remove it (you may also need to remove System.Web.Abstractions.dll, etc.

    You should then be able to build 


Wordpress Pretty permalinks

If you would like to have "pretty" URL's in wordpress, you can configure this using the "Permalinks" setting in the admin site (wp-admin).  If you select the option "Month and name" this will result in pretty url's, such as category/news.
If when you do this, the pages do not load, then you may need to update your apache settings.  Below are the steps I followed.

Assumes you already have the mod_rewrite installed already.
  1. backup your .htacess file in the root directory of your wordpress site
  2. modify httpd.conf (this file should be in the conf dir under your apache install dir)

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
  3. modify httpd.conf
    Find the lines below and set AllowOverride to All
     #   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
          AllowOverride All  
Now you can delete your .htaccess, go into the admin site, permalinks, select default, save, then select Month and name, then save.  A new .htaccess should be created and you should be in business.